I was born in a circus family, in sawdust as we say. My father worked in a group of aerial gymnasts on straps. My mother also was an aerial gymnast, but she left the circus early because of a trauma. Later my father designed a solo act called "Juggler with weights", which he still performs. Therefor my fate was predetermined beforehand - to be a circus artist. During my studies in eldest school classes we began to think about which act I shall work. We had many ideas, but we stopped on one - an act with geometrical figures called "Geometrical fantasy".
At the beginning of 1992 we made properties: a cube from tubes with dimensions 1,3m*1,3m*1,3m and weight 6kg and
a pyramid with dimensions 1m*1m*1m and weight 3kg. I started training. The first time was very hard, nobody knew how it's
possible to twist the cube, and my arms were sore. But with time everything went right. After two months father made
me glad when he told me we were going to Egypt. My efforts doubled and my premiere took place in Ras-El-Bar,
Egypt. It was unforgettable. Since then I have worked in many countries. During work my skills became perfected
and I leaned new tricks such as a cube scrolling in balance on my head and pyramid twisting in my hands simultaneously.
In this way it became possible for me to reach today's level of handicraft. But the creative
process hasn't finished...
Act duration: 4,5 min Minimal ground: (w*l*h) 5m*5m*5m My father Nikolay Esaulov joined the circus then he was 16 years old and went all the way from bottom to top
as a solo act artist. He had worked 15 years as an aerial gymnast, 10 years he work his own act. He juggling with 24kg
weight, raising 2 weights in one hand. He throwing up two 12kg shots. He knows circus well and can produce any circus act or
programme. He likes circus and don't want to drop it. He worked in different countries and his act was met with success.
Act duration: 5 min Minimal ground: any The last of our achievement became the clown's duo "Bim-Bom". The idea of its creation came by needs of clowns and possibility to try ourselves in difficult genre. In our program 10 different clown's reprises, from classical to author's. But, it's difficult working clowns and our acts together, necessary to choose something one, future will show...
© 2000-2013, Ruslan Esaulov